Second Sunday in a row was also about regional round of Zlatá udice, prepared by Moravian Angling Union, branch association in Jihlava. First part of competition - the fishing - was finished a week before and nobody was scared off from getting to know something new. Yeah, well, one competitor did not come, but the rest came. And so 11 girls and boys from Třešť and Jihlava met in small village Bransouze.
Generally we do this at the end but this time we would like to thank for prices we were able to give to children for their effort. For winners we had feeder rod and a reel that we got from Youth Commission of Moravian Angling Union. Union got the prices based on deal with organizers of big fishing action called Stairs2Hell. So we thank to all of them
We want also to thank to Big Fish Jihlava. When we were buying prices for children, the shop owner got so thrilled that he gave half of prices for free. So we thank to him that children could get much more fishing equipment that we could afford.
The action could not happen neither without support of Bransouze and especially its local firemen, that decided to have a free weekend and we got the free area where competition could be placed. They did even mow the field perfectly.
And also we must... well, not must - we just want to thank the owner of Bransouze camp, that we could use her rooms for last part of our action.
And the main organizer Karel would also like to give a huge thank to world casting champion Zuzana, to Jihlava children parents Jirka and Jana for amazing help during both days of competition. And he does not want to forget Jihlava fishing guards that were securing fishing place during first part of competition.
And moreover - big thank to branch association Jihlava. Without its support the action could not happen!
At 7:00 young casters of Jihlava moved to court in Bransouze and started to prepare the events for competition. Everything was ready just at time. When last target was placed and rods prepared, an excited group from Třešť arrived. The first what we had to do was to explain them what is casting about and what and how they would cast. We did lend the rods to them and also Jihlava's boys did lend their rods.
The plan was simple - 2 arenberg courts - 1 for training, 1 for competition. Who was not casting was able to train before being called to compete. We said something about casting history so children was informed about first information about casting from half of 19th century when fly casting had become popular and about Dr. James A. Henshall that introduced competition in spinning casting. Then small casting exhibition came so everyone was able to imagine what is expected during the competition, with small explanation how spinning casting is useful in real spinning fishing, especially if they would want to get wobbler under tree branch. Children also got information about the points based on place they hit. After so many pieces of information the training started. At 9:00 the main judge Martin Smolík arrived and the action could start.
It was great that all casters hit the arenberg target at least twice although they saw the event for very first time. Even the youngest boys got at least 10 points, the best caster of Třešť got even over 40 points. Great results for first fight with the event. Guys of Jihlava fought each against other and Adam was the best. He wanted to beat Vojta and Adam got 12 points more than him. Honza had the same result as Vojta and Petr was the last.
And we continued with second spinning accuracy event. Popular casting style, in history known as "Skill of fishing" and now known as "Skish". Although caster still can get some point at arenberg if he would miss the central target, depending on distance between center and place of fall of plug, at skish there is only the central target and points are getting only for hitting it. Much harder for get points.
Also prepared twice. It was harder here. One caster missed all targets, other hit one or two targets and two guys hit 3 targets. Adam and Vojta were really fighting and trying to their best much more than on casting competition a day ago. Vojta did not want to loose and was so concentrated so he missed only once finally. Adam missed 4 times and Vojta became leader. Honza also got great result, 70 points was only one hit below his personal record. And Petr had problems again.
After having target events done adult guys were preparing distance court and boys were preparing rods for distance casting. Children of Třešť could see for first time that plug can be casted another way than only via over-head cast style. At the beginning some of them had problem to cast by rod holding it only in one hand and used both hands. But during training everybody learned how to hold the rod by only one hand and we could start.
Everyone was able to cast inside the sector and the longest cast was counted. The youngest guys used the small rods we use for accuracy events and they were able to cast up to 20 meters. The guys that were able to cast with long rod got over 40 meters. The longest cast was 47,2 meters.
Jihlava boys casted too. Petr had really bad luck whole day. At lease secure cast was in sector, being 46 meters long. Honza used wind conditions and got over 60 meters, his new personal record, improved by 10 meters. Adam and Vojta fought for winning. Vojta got to 63 meters and Adam knew he would have to cast 2 meters more for winning. And he did it, made 3 meters longer cast and won the casting part od Zlatá udice.
And that was all from casting. Everything was packed and put to cars. 12:00 was on clocks and so we moved to have a lunch at camp. Everyone got favorite "wiener schnitzel mit kartofeln". Some guys were so hungry that the got two schnitzels :)
After having lunch we had a break for cold water or frozen cream. After refresh we started the last part of competition. After two parts Adam and Vojta had the same points so we did not know who would win.
Knowledge part consists for two parts. At first we have a test with questions and options A-B-C, having only one answer correct. Then there was fish, fauna and flora recognition. Biggest problem seemed to be finding a pen for test. A mistake of organizer. Fortunately we found some in meeting room so problem was solved quickly. Everyone got test and paper for answers. It took about 30 minutes when the last boy finished the test.
Test were great, in average everyone had only 4 of 25 questions wrong. Biggest problem was selection of fish that cannot be taken in September or how many whiskers carp does have. Jihlava guys had one special question that everyone had bad answer. That same question was correctly answer by all children from Třešť.
But all knew the important questions and answered correctly.
Then all went out and organizer prepared pictures of 15 fish, 10 fauna and 10 flora. Knowing not everything can be recognized by painted picture beside each picture a photo was placed too. When everything was prepared, one by one went inside and started writing the names on special paper. For each family name they got 1 point. For correct family and species name together they got 2 points.
Everybody knew fish perfectly. Average result was 26 of 30 possible points. Flora was little bit complicated, only 10 of 20 possible points in average.
With Fauna only frogs made problem and sometimes snakes did it too. Average result was 13 of 20 possible points. Mostly just because of missing the species names. But family names was correct almost everywhere.
And so first try of such test was great. Only one guy could not get over half of possible 120 points, but most got over 90 points. The best one got 114 points.
In fight between Vojta and Adam was won by Petr. Second place was by Vojta, just one point above Adam. In that Jihlava fight was finally Vojta the overall winner just one point above Adam. Third place did belong to Petr and Honza was the fourth.
And so the action was over. Counting places for fishing, casting and know-how. First, second and third places of every part were rewarded separately. Then the same places for overall competition were rewarded. And then all other participants got something. Everyone got something for fishing and also a casting plug for remembering the competition.
Although there were complications with term and low reaction of other branch associations of Moravian Angling Association, everything could be prepared well. Feedback we got was very positive and leaders of Třešť children were saying good bye hoping that we could meet next year.
If lucky, there will be the competition again next year.